Herbal leaves providing relief!

Call for more information about selections available or to schedule a consultation for your specific needs.

Consult fee $20 for 30mins  

Tea prices

Small $25 for 9-18 cups

Large $45 for 18-26 cups

Education is free I love to talk about tea and provide resources for my community!

Tea sampling parties available upon request

Elderberry rose immune booster tea

Improves immunity, blood sugar, anxiety, inflammation and skin health. Boosts your immune system, lessen stress, protects heart, reduces cholesterol & uric acid. Speeds up digestion, relieves chronic indigestion, alleviate pms, nausea, upset stomach, reduces pain, weight loss aid. Promotes sleep, reduces swelling & fever.
High antioxidants & antimicrobial.

Healing Tea 🍵

Coriander seed, Cumin seed, Fennel seed, Ginger.

Healing tea is a 3-5 cup per bag tea that helps with digestive issues, helps eliminate bloating, immune support and metabolism-boosting.

Lemon balm peppermint tea

Mild astringent, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, diuretic, menstrual cycle regulator, digestive disorders, and relaxant for muscular spasms.
Reduces cold cough, sinus infections, other respiratory infections, digestive problems including heartburn, nausea, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, cramps of upper gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts, diarrhea bacterial overgrowth, gas, menstrual problems, preventing spasms, fevers, headaches, stomach bloating, and a stimulant. Used to improve mood and cognitive function, cold sores, anxiety, stress, insomnia, indigestion and dementia.

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